Meet Jaimee!

Plumbing Apprentice

Jaimee Profile

Jaimee, Plumbing Apprentice

Meet Jaimee, one of our amazing Plumbing Apprentices! Since Jaimee lives on a family farm, it may come as no surprise that her favorite animals are cows and goats. She considers all of her farm animals her pets. When she's not working on Pride Plumbing time, you can catch guessed it! Working on her family farm. Jaimee's favorite vacation spot is Texas and her favorite childhood memory is being in 4-H! Most people don't know that Jaimee enjoys woodworking as a hobby and is passionate about raising money for organizations!

Some fast favorites!

Favorite Restaurant: Delmonico's

Favorite Holiday: 4th of July

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Quote: "So God made a farmer."

Best advice ever given: "Be confident in yourself."

Give our friendly customer care team a call at 585-271-7150 for plumbing service today! We look forward to servicing your plumbing needs!


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