What to Do In a Plumbing Emergency

The Checklist that Will Help Prepare You

The only way to be ready for an emergency is to prepare ahead of time. This blog will give you a checklist and a strategy, so you know what to do if you have a plumbing emergency.

When is a Plumbing Problem an Emergency?

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The biggest question you need to ask yourself is, “Can this problem wait?” Consider if the affected area of your plumbing is immediately necessary or whether you can get away with leaving it for a while. An unstoppable leak is not something that can wait. A clogged drain in a bathroom you hardly use can probably be handled with an appointment.

Other examples of a plumbing emergency are a broken water heater or a clogged drain in a vital area such as your only shower or a toilet.

What is Pride Plumbing of Rochester Doing to Keep Customers Safe and Healthy?

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Our number one priority is to protect the health and safety or our customers and employees. We ask that you do not schedule appointments if someone in your household has shown symptoms in the recent past.

On our end, we are implementing the following protocol for our technicians:

  • Wearing shoe covers

  • Ample communication with our customers

  • Wearing gloves and protective masks

  • Utilizing UVC lamps to disinfect our trucks and equipment

  • Requiring extensive handwashing protocol

  • Requiring our technicians to stay home if they are feeling even slightly under-the-weather

The situation surrounding COVID-19 is changing all the time. We are listening to local officials and the scientific authorities and will update our safety practices to keep in line with their recommendations.

What is the First Thing to Do in a Plumbing Emergency?

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Obviously, it depends slightly on what the problem is. One of the biggest issues we see is with a leak of some kind. In this situation, the most important thing for you to do is to shut off your water supply. This will stop the problem from getting worse and can buy you some time before you decide on your next move.

This process is simple, but you have to know where the shutoff valve is before you get into the situation where you need it. Make sure you’ve located it now, so you know where to go when there is a problem. It’s most likely in your basement or on an outside wall if you have a combined utility area. Find the valve and turn it clockwise to shut it off.

And After That?

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Next, turn off the water heater. This is a common source of plumbing catastrophes, so shut it off right after you kill the water supply. If you don’t do this, it could be a risk for overheating and causing another cascading set of issues.

From there, it’s time to assess. Look around your home and inspect your visible plumbing. There may be small leaks that you notice. If you spot them, you may be able to address them yourself. You’ve shut off your water already, so any leaks will stop eventually, but there’s still some water in the pipes, and you’d probably prefer that to not leak out.

There are two steps left after that. Turn on your drains and spigots. This will totally clear your pipes of any residual water allowing your plumber to get to work fixing the problem. After that is the last but most important step: Call Pride Plumbing of Rochester!

Pride Plumbing of Rochester is available for emergency services. We’ve seen every kind of plumbing catastrophe and are equipped to fix whatever issue you have. Give us a call at (585) 271-7150 or fill out a form online when you need our help.


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